Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seriously a cold?

Ok, so I have been back to work for almost a month now, and of course, I get sick. I guess this was expected since I do work in the corporate world, or what I like to refer to as "germ fest."  I was continuously washing my hands and what not, but it wasn't enough. I am stuck with this stupid cold.  The good thing is that I am no longer pregnant so I can finally take medicine!  The 2 colds I had during pregnancy were awful.

I actually called out sick to work on Monday.  I just couldn't do it.  Between semi sleepless nights, and this head cold it wasn't happening.  Besides, Zachary caught my cold too.  My poor baby was coughing, sneezing, and dealing with a runny nose just like his mommy.  All he wanted yesterday was to be held by his mama.  I even ended up bringing him into bed with Ryan and I halfway through the night.  Hey, it worked, he slept from 2:30 until I got out of bed at 6:15 a.m.  Honestly, he probably would have slept longer, but Ryan needed some sleep so I had to bring him down to my mom.  My mother thinks it is his tummy, but I honestly think otherwise.  Mommies do know best, right? 

So now I am anxious to get home and see my little guy to see how he is feeling, and have him snuggle up with his mama.  Christian will get minimal snuggling from me though because he really doesn't have a cold, and I don't want him to get it too.  Well I will update later, but I should get back to work.  Is it 3:30 yet?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Crazy Busy Weekend

Wow, what a weekend. I am beyond exhausted, and I don't know if it is from lack of sleep, or the damn head cold that has decided to take residency in my head.  I hate being sick.

Saturday we pack the boys up, and headed down to Rochester, NH for the annual Norris Field Day.  This year I didn't get to play, but you can bet next year it will be game on for this mama. 

It was great to see some friends that I hadn't seen in a while. They finally got to meet the boys.  Mike and Court got their practice on feeding babies with the boys. I can't wait for them to be parents someday!

So then of course it was time for the games to begin.  Unfortunately, I missed a lot of it because the boys were napping and I didn't want to be to far away.  I did however get to see the toilet paper and plunger race.  Here are a couple of pictures from the excitement.  When you have had a few drinks, I guess you are game for anything.......

 Joe & Michelle passing the torch
 Jamie and Don
Ryan and Steve

After the long day of fun and games the hubby and his partner, Aaron (AKA team Hot Nerds) won the events.  They will be back next year to defend the title, but they better watch out because their wives are playing and they are ready to kick some butt!  Overall, it was a fun day, but long for the boys. They slept the whole drive home.

Sunday was another busy day, my cousin Scott's wedding.  This was going to be the first time the boys met some of the family.  I was excited to get there and see everyone. 

Here a few pictures from the day.......

A little blurry, but the bride and groom.
 My wonderful mom (Meme) loving on Christian
The hubby getting Zach to smile! (He truly is an amazing dad)
My cousin Shelly holding the boys.  She was so in love the minute she met them!

I really don't get to see my family enough.  I must admit though family functions are hard since my Uncle Ray isn't there.  I know he was there in spirit, but he truly would have been the life of the party.  I can't wait for the next family function.  I truly need to make more effort to see them more.  Functions like this make me realize that my mothers side of the family is so important to me.  We all get busy in our lives, but we do need to make time to see them.  You never know when they might be taken away from you.

Sorry didn't mean to get a little sappy.  I did have a great ending to the weekend, after a long 5 months, my wedding ring fits!!  I have been trying to get it on every day for the past 2 months with no success, and tonight it fits, I am wearing it, and I am in heaven.  As long as we don't get anymore humidity I think I will be able to wear it everyday!

Well this is all I have for today.  Time for me to go tend to this cold, change over laundry, and give some more loving to my boys, even Ryan too, before my work week begins again.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The beginning...

Well here I am writing a blog. What am I thinking?  How am I going to have time to keep up with blogging while trying to keep up with 2 month old babies.  Yes that is right, babies!  Ryan and I are proud first time parents of twin boys, Zachary and Christian.

So, where did it all begin?  Ryan and I met about 16 years ago working at a local department store.  We dated for about 2 years and broke it off.  We were just to young, and didn't know what life was truly all about.  Fast forward to about 3 years ago. We reunite and realize that we truly were the...."if it's meant to be, it will be!"  So, on August 1st, 2009 we tied the knot with about 150 of our closest friends and family!

I work full time at a local Disability Insurance Co., and Ryan is currently a full-time nursing student.  Thankfully Ryan will be graduating in December of 2010.  Honestly, it can't get here soon enough.  He is ready to be done with school, and I am ready for him to be done as well

You know how the song goes....first comes love, second comes marriage, then comes "so and so" in a baby carriage.  Well in our case, we got 2 for the price of one.  Yes, that is right we were shocked in mid January 2010 to find out that there was not one baby, but 2!  I think I about passed out on the ultrasound table when the tech said, "Nothings wrong, but you are having twins!"  For the most part the pregnancy was smooth sailing.  I did get taken out of work at about 30 weeks for modified bed rest, but that is expected for twins.

Here is a picture of me carrying the boys at about 34 weeks pregnant.  My belly was HUGE!

Little did I know 2 1/2 weeks later the boys would be making their appearance.  On July 17, 2010 I delivered 2 healthy baby boys.  Thankfully, my labor was quick.  Short story, water broke at 3:00 a.m., at the hospital at 4:00 a.m., I was 10 cm by 9:00 a.m., and the next thing I know, they were pushing me to the Operating Room for my delivery.  (Yes, that is right folks, with a twin pregnancy, you have to deliver in an O.R. in case you need a c-section for the second baby)  Christian was born at 10:15 a.m. weighing 4 lbs. 15 oz., and Zach was born at 10:52 a.m. and weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.  Here they are right after birth.

 Mama holding the boys right after delivery
Ryan being one proud daddy
Here they are...Zach is on the left and Christian is on the right.

Now I will answer the questions that EVERYONE always asks....(seriously if I could make a t-shirt that just had all the questions and answers....I would be rich!)

  1. Are they twins? Yes (No, I just like the challenge of walking around with 2 screaming babies)

  2. Are they identical?  No (if you really look at them you can tell them apart) they're fraternal. (so yes ladies and gentlemen, I popped two eggs!)

  3. Do twins run in your family?  No, neither my husband or I have twins in our families. (Well, I do have distant cousins who have twins....so who knows if that had anything to do with it).

  4. Did you have to have a c-section? No, I pushed them out. (Just because you are having twins, does NOT mean you automatically get a c-section)

So here I am today writing about life with my family.  I will try to keep up as best as I can, but I am sure you will all understand if I miss a few here in there.  I do have 2 babies after all.  Anyway, I am off to get a little shut eye before the next feeding. We have a big day tomorrow......we are off to NH for Norris Field Day.  Our first big road trip!